Thursday, September 10, 2015

Television vs. Weather Channel App

There was a time when we would rely on television for reports on the weather. Unfortunately, information provided by weather forecasters would often be inaccurate by the time it reached television audiences. Recently, the Weather Channel developed an app for cell phones, which allows users to customize real-time alerts within their respective regions. The app allows users to learn about their 10-day forecast, humidity reading, and provide alerts for hazardous weather conditions. On the whole, the alerts have been incredibly accurate and timely. I really like this app and find that not having to wait for the weather person on television to provide updates a great time saver.

The Weather Channel app also provides real-time alerts on tornado's, thunderstorms and general bad weather conditions. I think this is one the most useful apps I have used which not only educates users, but also provides safety alerts within your location which are helpful. (Weather Channel App Link)

While the television has served many years of entertainment and still is a source of information, it's relevancy has slowly become to dwindle. With so many other forms of technology, such as tablets, phones and other sources, the television may not be a leading source for viewership anymore. With respect to the question regarding the differences between the Internet and the web. The Internet is a collection of networks where computers systems all connect.  The web is a source of where pages/browsers such as Internet Explorer, Google or Outlook utilize the connectivity which is provided through the Internet. 

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