Sunday, September 20, 2015

Graham Bell Call to Facetime call

Communication is an important tool for the development of any society. Before telephone was invented, communication was mainly through post/telegram. Graham Bell made life easier with his invention of telephone. Now people could connect and communicate immediately. It gave a boost to the business across countries and of course, to the human relations. Telephone Calls carry ordinary voice transmission using a telephone. There were lots of developments in voice transmission technology. The satellites made international calls more accessible and cheaper. However, since my childhood, I always wanted to see the person to whom I was talking over phone. Internet and mobiles made this possible.
Video telephony allowed transmission of audio video signals by users at different locations for communication in real time. This technology uses Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). Earlier VoIP allowed calls to be made through a PC. A PC/Laptop with webcam was required for video telephony. That was a new era in communication. Now we could talk and see in real time, irrespective of distances, provided we are connected with internet.  With this technology made available on mobiles through service providers such as skype or Apple (Facetime), the communication system has attained new heights. Now with a phone and a Wifi connection, the whole world seems to be connected like never before. This has reduced the distances from kilometers to centimeters.

I am using Apple's mobile app Facetime. I personally feel Facetime to be a part of my life. My siblings and relatives are mostly in India and in Australia. But I don’t feel the distance now. Talking over Facetime and seeing them in real time make me feel as if they are with me. It gives me a lot of emotional satisfaction.  I am sure others would also be feeling the same. Moreover, it is also the cheapest and the most accessible means of communication. On the way from India to any country, while hopping at the airports, this was mostly the only means of communication. 
These mobile app are also very user friendly and even kids use it. These are also widely used for learning.
I consider this no less than a revolution.

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