Monday, January 30, 2012

The world is flat

Having studied Geography actively and passively for about 15 years, I obviously subscribed to the long-held notion that the world is not a flat space; that the world is spherical. Of course, Christopher Columbus' expeditions and discoveries still hold true, but recent advancements have led me to rethink the idea of the world being a flat space. Having been immersed head-first into the world of social media, I have come to the conclusion that the world is flat.

Seven years on YouTube, five years on Blogger, five years on Facebook, three years on Wordpress, three years on LinkedIn, two years on Twitter and five months on Google+ have convinced me that there is nothing too difficult to do; no one too high to chat with and nowhere to far to visit. My network grows by the minute and I'm constantly interacting with friends and business associates from across the world. Within 24 hours I typically check in with my parents in the Caribbean, my work buddies in Nigeria, a prospective employer in South Africa, old pals in Ghana, good friends in India and Uzbekistan and classmates in Syracuse, NY. Of course, I chat regularly with a significant other in Columbia, SC and engage in several other random discussions with friends and strangers around the world.

The more I learn about the intricacies of social media, the more naked I feel, yet the more excited I get. I'm enthralled by the versatility of the internet and the possibilities for breaking new grounds and attaining new heights. At this stage, I'm not necessarily freaked about every social media application (for instance, I'm just not a fan of Flickr - maybe because I'm not so much into photography), but I'm obviously dipping my feet into professional applications that enhance my social image. Isn't that why we're all online so much? Am I the only one who googles myself? Of course not! That's what you plan to do after reading this.

Whether you're as excited as I am about the amazing possibilities of new social media applications, or you're one of the slow adopters, the undeniable truth is that social media has aggregated so much of our individual lives on one flat surface and no one is as far away as they used to be.

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