Friday, December 7, 2012

Okay, the Elections Over, What Now? The 2016 Election.

So the election is ancient history.
We have more important things to think about like the Fiscal Cliff, implementing Obamacare and the cases the Supreme Court will hear this year.

But also. There is the 2016 Presidential Election.  I know, I know, you say: Isn't this a little early. Not really. According to Maureen Dowd's recent column, Hillary Clinton has begun her campaign:

Far from being depleted and ready for a spa, she’s energetically rounding up the usual suspects. She “took steps to solidify her relationships with some Democrats by sending hand-signed notes to candidates who got bested in close Congressional races,” offering them encouragement and succor, The New York Observer’s politics blog reports. That provided a marked contrast to Obama, who did not bother to rally Democrats in his acceptance speech.

I'm of two minds about this. While I'm an unabashed Hillary supporter, I'm also concerned that the 2016 Election will overshadow the next four years and leave the United States in a perpetual state of gridlock.  There is some evidence this already occurs with Congresspersons, who must seek re-election every two years.
I understand starting now, given the campaign spending this past election, Hillary better start filling the coffers as soon as possible. But is this the kind of campaigning that leads to candidates more responsive to their constituents or does it simply start a bizarre auction of candidates to the highest political action committee super group?
Had Romney won the 2012 election, the insane number of campaign promises (which began even before the primaries finished) would have kept him busy through the first three years of his presidency.

So while I'm enthusiastic to buy my Hillary 2016 button, I'm also worried just what this will mean for the 24hourx4year news cycle.....

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