Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Some Social Media Tactics for Organizations

After going through the readings of experience in NASA, Department of Interior, and the American Red Cross, etc., here I come up with a list of tactics that impresses me the most:

1. Organize different accounts for different objects. According to NASA experience, it is helpful to have different social media accounts focusing on different projects if an organization has the mission to educate its audience. When every field center has a social media lead, the organization is giving little projects a voice, so that small progress will not be ignored.

2. Get audiences engaged. This is an important tactic in almost all the agencies mentioned in the readings. Social media is not just a platform for news releasing and posting content. It is more about how we reach the public directly and how they share and actually interact with our content.

3. Share things that are worth sharing. When managing the contents of a social media account for an organization, it is easy to get tired if there is only information about itself. Sharing information from sources outside the organization is also important. By taking other’s voice, the social media account can not only be made copious in content, but also looks more objective and fair.

4. Follow the local media and community. In the experience of the American Red Cross, it is necessary to monitor local media’s and communities' social media feeds. Social media cannot replace traditional media, so contacting with local media and communities can help the organization to keep up with the latest focuses of the audience, get response, and spread out information in a more effective way.

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