Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What is the near future of social media?

What is ultimate picture of social media, following the technological advance or enhancement of relationship with all kinds of things including people and matters? Predicting the future of social media is difficult, but we can envision the evolving appearance relevant phenomenon on ICT environment.

Particularly, E-government system in a nation can closely be related or integrated with future model of social media. Let’s suppose that most of the public service is delivered to individual, utilizing ICT ecosystem based on the traditional online websites or mobile technology. For example, national tax, extended educational service, health care program, and political opportunity to express sensitive concerns, all of them can be transacted in a my individual accounts in social media with simultaneous way, integrated all devices and service channel from the governments.

How can we attain the chance to enjoy the seamless public service?  Which way is possible that the client was offered boundless service of which many institution involve in production? Who prepare the next stage of integrating all kinds of public services with private vendor such as The way to answer is as diverse much as the number of countries. Who can get the throne of overcoming the challenges to block the expansion of integration regardless of borderline in online or offline? When can we see visual image of integrating of public service as a common individual? Who should integrate E-government service with social media platform? Which factors make the government trigger or activate next generation of social media?

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