Monday, December 10, 2012

Social media and the Tao: a fable for control freaks from Mr Splashy Pants

I bet that many organizations are reluctant to give social media a try because they are afraid that it will be impossible for them to control the content on the platform. And let’s admit it: they are absolutely right. Engaging people, encouraging them to participate means that you will no longer control the message.
But that does not mean you will no longer reach your goals either. Mr Splashy Pants (a humpback whale who rocketed to web stardom) has not only saved his peers life but taught Greenpeace the most important marketing lesson of the web 2.0 era: It is ok, to let control go! Yes, that means things will not go as you planned. They might end up going a lot better.
So now take a deep breath, and check out the true story of Mr Splashy Pants in this 4-minute Ted-talk by Reddit founder Alexis Ohanian.

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